What is a Code of Conduct? A Code of Conduct is a written guide that expresses how people ought to behave. It sets acceptable standards of behavior that dictate what you should and should not do. It promotes decision-making by assisting you to make decisions about what is the right thing to do in a particular circumstance.Codes should give guidance about what behavior is appropriate and consistent with accepted ethics principles.
What are ethics?
Ethics, the basic principles that we should all live our day to day life’s by; for example, honesty, respect for others, and fairness. Surely we have all heard the golden rule – do unto others as you would have done unto you.
Ethics standards impart the basis for codes of conduct that are considered to be right and consequently accepted. Ethical thinking entails judging the rightness of specific actions, and determines whether a particular behavior is right or wrong..
Prompt payments, knowledgeable support – both technical and administrative, accurate tracking and statistics, responsible behavior by the affiliate program, and being treated fairly and equally with regards to your fellow peers are concerns of every affiliate marketer and now, they are also primary concerns of iGAMI, an acronym for the “International Gaming Affiliate Marketing Initiative.”
Our goal is to ensure that all of the above listed affiliate essentials are provided by affiliate programs who display the iGAMI Seal. Furthermore, it is our objective to provide assistance in the unlikely event that a problem should arise while marketing any iGAMI approved program.
As an advocate for good and fair process we will always be attentive to the affiliates needs and assure that your questions and concerns receive the prompt attention they deserve in a courteous and professional manner.
Do you treat all of your affiliates/marketers fairly? Do you agree that one partner should not use unethical practices to negatively affect another? Do you make timely payments? Are you able to provide professional support both technical and administrative?
Do you have what it takes? If so apply for approval today and begin making a difference.Casino Affiliate Guide